
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Diversity in a Work Environment:

Life experiences have highlighted that people have a tendency of focusing more on the negatives rather than the positives of a well diverse culture of work ethics. My research has proved that there are numerous reasons why a diverse work environment is highly unfavorable than one which is not, its mainly because of fear of adjustment/change/ fear of the unknown.  Most people want to work in their comfort zone and treat work as their home away from home. Hence employees want to feel comfortable and understood so that they can concentrate on the objectives of the organisation on a positive note. 

We find ourselves asking, "why should I work in these conditions?". There are a lot of answers to any question but there are right and wrong answers either way. Growing up, I have always been advised that two heads are better than one, let alone if the other head is from a different background or culture it makes everything even more interesting because you understand things differently and will always see things in different perspectives which will give you a competitive urge to be the best at what you do after working collectively or with the idea which suits your situation.

Diversity comes with a lot of misunderstandings, hence training days are essential if there is even a slight need for it. People also need to approach it with pragmatic strategies that enhance the objective of the business or company so that whatever differences individuals have the goals of the organisation are executed positively.

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