
Saturday 21 April 2012

Evaluation and Performance Measurement of Diversity

After understanding the concept of diversity and the complex external factors it normally associates you with in order to reach a favourable evaluation process. Evaluation processes normally come in after a lengthy while of the initial training in this particular case. Performance Measurement also plays an important role in the way the employees grasp the diversity concept in any given work environment. Although we might not have visited the PESTEL analysis its vital that we look at it in depth because it has great influence in concluding the outcome of the whole Diversity chapter and engages employees through a clearer understanding of what they are working towards.

Political views of the employees and policies that have been put in place by the governments has a major impact on how diversity is received in most organisations. Employee engagement is of importance hence the government and unions have a mutual role in settling their best tactical levels of strategics. Which will help settle and mobilise  production with minimal risks of strikes and equal entities for all will have to be prioritized. Generally political factors affect the progression of performance and the whole evaluation process but if ts nurtured properly then everything will fall in place.

Economical factors do strain/stress employees, a great example was the credit crunch of 2008 that affected the United States of America and caused a not of turmoil in the whole of Europe afterwards correcting the phrase that states "if the USA has a cold the whole of Europe will have pneumonia". The governments have to avoid such situations because when these situations threatens rest and the equal opportunities policy is directly linked efficiency of productivity in any work environment hence affecting the most vulnerable ones to be made redundant i.e in most cases the elderly being asked to retire early-this according to a research I did in 2009. Therefore the behavior of organisations tend to be a bit shaken because of economic factors  which impacts diversity strongly causing a great weakness to morale and flexibility causing a distraught  sort of evaluation with a weak assessment of performance measurement.

Social factors are critically affected in any work environment due to stressed employees. However you can make situations calm and reluctant with the necessary steps in order to help any strenuous circumstances by keep performance/motivation high.

Environmental factors are considered an extreme stumbling block because if the weather is not favorable employees are not able to commute creating a shortage in staff and various colds that are associated with cold weather e.g pneumonia; H1N1. If absenteeism is high then it directly impacts production leading to the objectives of the organisation highly unlikely to be met which affects the stakeholders as much as the employees. All these factors come down to diversity and also the working together ethics will be breached hence it is of vital importance to monitor that performance is not affected.

Legal factors are becoming the first option for most people who feel that the unions are not doing their best in their situations. The employment tribunal has had a vast number of cases in the past 4 years this decade since 2008 mostly because of what employees feel are unfair dismissals. Which unions didn't know how to deal with or tried but could not conduct any amicable discussions which landed them in the employment tribunal. Diversity being in the mix it highlights what employees expect in the tribunal cases as an act of rebelling against the stakeholders decisions. In these cases the evaluation process is complex which leads to inconclusive results  as far as performance measurement is concerned and a bit of the downside.

Therefore this goes on to show that there are many aspects which need to be thoroughly considered before the diversity-research-structure can be termed a success. Diversity will affect any organisation as much as the next, making this chapter a very important aspect as far as fundamentals are concerned. 

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