
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Our Performance Management Research Conclusions

Performance Management is a difficult topic to tackle since there is vast information to be measured and understood before there is a clear line of management. Our research has outlined some points that might make the managers roles easy to tackle. Managers need to be trained so that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to delegate or assess the real life situations which lead to major set backs.

Organisations are fundamentally different and promote different cultures which pursue different goals. However each organisation is there to survive in its given market so in order for them to survive, we seek stability and measured stability. Incentives might be an option but with many researches other than our has shown that employees are no longer satisfied with monetary incentives, but job security and better working environments. For this to happen the organisations has to keep on improving their human assets through a series of training courses which keep them focused and up to date with their work which makes them competitive. Through these techniques you realize the hard working employees and those which are not so hard working and how to best move forward with that in mind.

Manager have the best and the most difficult tasks to promote and encourage formal  sound structures of communication so that they maintain and continue to understand that employees' grievances help with reliable evidence and the necessary steps to move forward with the help of giving feedback."A happy employee is the one who gets feedback". For performance to be managed effectively, individuals must know the basis on which their performance will be measured. Measures should be transparent and applied fairly across the organisation.  By fairly we are underlining all levels from management to the rest of the teams. Ideally there should be a mix of individual and team measures, and measures relevant to both inputs and outputs. 

In this past week we have been getting emails on discussions about Performance Reward and this is going to be our next title n this blog because it stands alone to achieve a measurable stretch of goals. Its never easy to get the best results but hard work is half the job.If there are any questions on what you didn't understand don't hesitate to get in touch with us because we always have some extra information for publication if you need more assistance.

1 comment:

  1. I would say in some nations incentives are more important than working conditions .in 3rd world countries people are more concerned with what they are taking home than good working conditions or job security .
    also looking at Europe with recent recession it looks like people are looking for means to establish themselves more than anything ..
    the point I'm trying to drive home is " incentives boosts working performance than anything else ..
    also the incentives should come judging to the performance of the workers .
