
Friday 18 May 2012

Performance Management Solutions

While Performance Management ensures that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner we need to find out how to best deal with the measures that help ease the pressure. We have already discovered that appraisals are one way to assist with the feedback that we get from employees. However the points might not be effective because the information might be biased so we need to be optimistic and find avenues to get more reliable information that can make the fact finding mission a success.

Organisations have been conducting reviews of their employees and realised that there is need for constant development in order for employees to stay focused on their goals and the organisation's objectives at large. Therefore there is need at all levels to respect and promote team work to help notice where development and training is needed. Employees tend to work hard to improve if they receive feedback on their performance on a regular basis, so that they can measure when they are improving and (vice versa).

Managers have the competitive urge to know and understand what they are working with, which actually improves the capacity and potential for both Managers and teams formally. Employees tend to perform effectively knowing they have an input on the decisions that affect their organisation, therefore a chance to conduct meetings in small formal groups might be essential and also never forget to give feedback to any ideas/piece of information that they bring up and the organisation intend to use it. Employees also react like any other human being to the behaviours exhibited by their managers, so managers as leaders should always show professionalism in every aspect of their jobs if they expect to be treated as such and more.

Communication being a vital ingredient to many issues surrounding performance management(PM), we need to build a culture that has a healthy positive strategy which build interpersonal relationships within any work place. The best quality relationships between teams and managers have proven to establish a goal driven workforce which engages everyone to meet the desired goals of the organisation collectively. Which actually enhances the desired results which continually reinvests in developing and creating incentives for its employees.

After locating the areas which need development you need to then implement the information that you get from your solution fact-finding-missions. Performance Appraisal- 360 Degree Feedback- Learning and Development-;

  • Performance Appraisals - are conducted by managers who assesses what the employee is good at, is lacking as far as their task and role is concerned. Potential, Performance and how to develop them if they are retainable. Appraisals are a still a great solution as long as the managers are not biased or incompetent, in short unable to do their job effectively. Therefore they need someone to overlook their overall assessments and an evaluation can only be viable in such a case. 
  • 360 degree feedback is a sort of appraisal which assesses individual performance through a comprehensive process which extends the assessment to the external environment of the organisation and links the business with suppliers- customers- colleagues- managers or even directors to some extent. In its complexity it yields results which might be important but it also invades confidentiality restricted by most employment contracts. However its does the job to a greater extent.
  •  Learning and Development is the newest and effective approach to better and efficient performance management solution, which involves the employee's development needs on how they can best execute their role within the organisation(in order to self fulfill). Data collection is supposed to strategical in terms of how you intend to use it but it will help overly for progress purposes.  KPIs(Key Performance Indicators) are important in the sense that they help highlight the improvement path and  clearly illustrates a  pattern to follow or even increase performance rates.

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