
Thursday 3 May 2012

Why do we need Performance Management??

Most employees go to work and look for better jobs but fail to understand the importance of the roles they all have in any given organisation. Tasks within any organisation intertwine to reach a common goal which is set by the initiators mainly the directors and shareholders.

Theoretically the concept of Performance Management sounds straight forward and on point, however in reality its not that simple. Statistically speaking my researches have proved that most organisations hire professional life coaches/trainers to help their employees become engaged or the least to understand their values to the organisations. Most managers find it very strenuous to deal with the same issues pertaining stubbornness towards work or insubordination to say the least. Therefore these issues have to be addressed and solved with evaluating performance management which means that in order for a problem to be fixed the detailed have to be noted in depth.                                                                                     

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