
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Effectiveness Of TUPE

Ever since TUPE was legally implemented in 2006 many employees have wondered if it really ever worked for any organisation or individuals who might have been entrapped by the forces which need TUPE's assistance.

TUPE however was carefully introduced mainly for the advantage of employees who were caught up in mergers, takeover of firms and those going into administration or insolvency issues. Shareholders now have legal obligations to look after and take care of the employees or face court action. There are too many clauses and legislation surrounding this new law however many HR Consultants or Employment Lawyers are in much better position to deal with this topic in depth and on a case by case scenario. TUPE is a complex topic with the aim to target any unfair/unlawful dismissals and help the average employee to understand their rights as far as a work contract is concerned in a case of mergers, take overs, administrations and even transfer of shares between company owners and share holders.

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