
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Since the nineteenth-century measures were implemented to protect employees but the level varied from employer to employer mainly based on their statutory arrangements. Physical labour risks of hundred years ago have been replaced by new challenges to the health and safety of employees including, in working with new technology, risk of eye strain, repetitive strain injury, back problems and stress at work. Health, Safety and Risk Management ( a more modern systematic approach for managing risks in the workplace) are still very much key issues for Human Resources Management at the turn of a new century. Regulations have been out in place as a guideline for acceptable behaviour and demystify the amendments were necessary.

Until the mid 1970s, the law relating to health and safety at work was primarily contained in the Factories Act 1961 and the Office,Shops and Railways Premises Act 1963 with their associated regulations. However the adversities remained because these acts are very prescriptive, setting out detailed requirements of what must be met. Therefore the approach to health and safety law was transformed with the benchmark legislation of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which was introduced as a result of the Robens Committe report of 1972. The committee presented that the law on health and safety was badly structured with eleven pieces of major legislation supplemented by over 500 supplementary statutory provisions. Therefore the committee proposed unification of the law, basing liability on employment not occupation of premises. Therefore 1974, presented the birth of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 the legislation that affects Human Resources Management. So none is more important to the well being of individuals than this landmark piece of legislation which still maintains the fundamentals of health, safety and welfare of people at work. To protect the general public, visitors, employer/employee against all risks safety and to prevent polluting the environment.

The acts had a few years of impeccable remarks but more was to come since all the new technologies and innovations were to be electricity/man operated. Therefore amendments have always been presented and adjusted where necessary to set them ready for implementation.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work and well presented, thank you Humba HR.
