
Sunday 30 June 2013

Talent in the Workplace.

People are the most important asset of any organization and fully leveraging the potential of our people is critical to our competitive success. As a major employer, RBC can provide opportunities and experiences that lead to personal, professional and financial success for our employees.

In order to increase the diversity and inclusion of our workforce globally, we must create equitable opportunities for all employees regardless of race, age, gender, physical/mental abilities, sexual orientation, religion and backgrounds. Making diversity work requires the visible engagement of leaders who can profile issues, champion solutions and lead new approaches.
Developing talent in your small business is part of the larger talent management process that occurs over the years. In a global and virtual workforce, your employee base is increasingly diverse. This new diversity opens up opportunities to develop talent to achieve your vision. Developing talent also means projecting the skills you will need in the future and making sure those talents are there when shortages are projected.

The most important steps in talent search and development;

Step 1
Identify your small business goals over the coming years. Clarify the demands your goals place on employee skill sets. Look for “talent gaps”--skill sets lacking in your current work force--advises RMG Consulting.
Step 2
Devise a plan to recruit the talent you need and to develop talent you have. Develop talent over time using seminars, workshops and other professional development tools.
Step 3
Provide employees with tools to assess their professional goals and their strengths, advises the website All Things Workplace. Provide opportunities for employees to reject performing roles they do not want to do.
Step 4
Meet with employees to discuss their places in your business. Guide them to prepare for movement into more challenging tasks that match your company goals.
Step 5
Perform regular reviews and evaluations. Meet with your managers to assess progress and changes. Meet with employees to check on their development. Engage in dialog about your business strategies and their roles in your vision.

Talent in the workplace can be very difficult to pin point especially if there are informal structures of communication, there are high chances that real talent will go unnoticed for a while until the individual/individuals move on to greener pastures. Therefore although people study for a particular profession, talent search has realised that even if you study for a subject it does not necessarily mean you are the best at what you do. Basically you are even better at some other role other than the one you would have been employed for. Therefore in order for you to perform effectively and efficiently the newly found talent can be closely guarded and developed accordingly.         

A typical work scheme can be revisited and a new strategy put in play to assist and develop the talent management processes of your choice.

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