
Saturday 18 May 2013

Flexible Working Policy.

Once in a while you find wanting to look after family and assist the organisation to move forward but your work time will not allow you to ascertain this hence you turn to your holiday allowances. As helpful as the holiday allowances are essential at some point they run out and you still might find yourself in a difficult position which will not allow you to take further holidays. In such a case applying for flexible working hours might be an option without jeopardising your working relationship with the employers.
NO need to choose between work and family anymore,"You can now do both"!
In the UK, there are many companies that have this policy and will be happy for you to take such working patterns as long as you your honour your part of the agreement. There are a number of things you need to think about when making a request for flexible working, as it is up to you to make the best possible case to your employer.
The following are facts that are governed by the regulated body which is recognised by the UK Government and worthy guidelines. So when undertaking this option, also consider these facts.  Staff can only make one application within a 12-month period, so they should present a clear argument which includes the benefits for the business.
Tips from ACAS include:
  • ·         Putting the request in writing.
  • ·         Being as specific as possible, by including proposed changes to hours, times or place of work.
  • ·         Consider how a change would affect your role, the jobs of your team or colleagues, and the impact on the business.
  • ·         Talk through a request with your employer.

For detailed information on understanding the policy in the UK you can follow this link -http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/o/0/Right-to-apply-for-flexible-working-a-short-guide.pdf
The UK government actually supports this initiative however it has to be carefully followed and not abused or mistaken as part of skiving work -  https://www.gov.uk/flexible-working/overview
If the request is refused, consider whether the request was considered fairly and whether you presented all of the most important information
Those whose request is turned down may have the right of appeal. Anyone who wishes to do so must be clear of the process and so will need to talk to their employer or human resources department. To comply with the procedural requirement employers must:
  • ·         Arrange a meeting with the employee within 28 days of receiving the application
  •           Allow the employee to be accompanied by work colleague if they wish
  • ·         Notify the employee of their decision within 14 days of the date of the meeting
  • ·         Arrange a appeal hearing if necessary within 14 days of being informed the employee wishes to appeal
  • ·         Notify the employee of the decision of the appeal within 14 days after the meeting.
A Good example of flexible working pattern.

        Examples of where an application for flexible working can be refused are:
  • ·         The burden of additional costs
  • ·         Detrimental effect on the ability to meet customer demand
  • ·         The inability to reorganise work among existing staff
  • ·         The inability to recruit additional staff
  • ·         Where it will have a detrimental impact on quality and performance.

Once an employer approves the application the variation in contractual terms is permanent and the employee has no automatic right to change back to the previous work pattern. However, agreement can be made between both parties that the flexible working can be for a specified time period or a trail period may be agreed.

Commons types of flexible working: 

Some of the most common types of flexible working are:

  • ·         Part time working
  • ·         Flexi-time
  • ·         Job-sharing
  • ·         Term time working
  • ·         Working from home.

Organisations are continually trying to improve working conditions and making these avenues interesting and robust. Technology has allowed for people to work remotely through iCloud, Video Conferencing, Smart phones and Computers to communicate and share work-loads electronically. Innovation has realised new ways of working in different parts of the city/country/world and yet reach the same objectives at the end of the day while increasing employee morale. Setting this precedence did not happen overnight but it also increases the possibilities of flexing working hours and at a professional level.

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