
Saturday 7 April 2012

Diversity Management

Tactics on how to handle diversity are not straight forward because cases vary from place to place and case to case. Legislation amendments have been introduced where necessary after realistic and practical approaches which where initially drafted and enforced failed to solve issues pending on diversity and equality in the Employment Law Act of 2006.

Many Human Resources schools of thought have measures of research this certain aspect and elements have only scratched the surface. My own research has proved that we are opening a realm(land of make believe) where by we are learning as we go as any other sectors we are not quite familiar with, but we try and engage the things we know and the ones which are alien to us diligently with confidence. Here are some of the examples of how to handle diversity management from the CIPD (Chartered Institute Of Personnel Development) ;


Researches have a downside of reflecting what people normally want to here especially if the individuals who where conducted have a biased opinion or are influenced to answer in a certain way that can make the whole research a total disaster. The assessor however has to protrude these facts where necessary and acknowledge the areas which are not being well researched. However the decision of what goes on paper depends on whether the researcher has any objectives or is truly seeking the truth hence as time passes by people are more open and critically analyse situations and are working together to get to the right answers to any questions regardless of whether or not they get positive or negative reactions/answers. This has also seen the promotion of cohesion within communities and here is another example from a four year old research conducted by CIPD in collaboration with Gen Up;


These are my own opinions and the decision is ultimately yours to make but the facts are there which can also guide you to attain a better understanding of the whole Diversity  Management concept.


  1. The underlying principle of diversity management has to do with acceptance. While individuals retain their own sense of values and ethics, diversity management encourages people to recognize that not everyone is alike. Rather than being intimidated or prejudiced by those differences, employees are encouraged to accept the fact that there are diverse interests, diverse values, and diverse physical and emotional characteristics present within the office environment. Further, the diversity present in the office does not have to hamper productivity or create conflict. Instead, the diversity may function as helpful attributes that promote the attainment of the goals and objectives of the department.

    Diversity management can be adapted to many different types of working environments and be integrated into many different types of management styles. Promoting recognition and acceptance of diversity among the employees can convert a hostile workplace environment into a welcoming environment where people freely communicate and support one another with any tasks associated with the job. In doing so, the implementation of a diversity management approach often makes it possible for productivity levels to increase dramatically.
    One of the main advantages of a strong diversity management program is that it tends to encourage the development of latent skills and talents among employees. Individuals who may have felt unable to move forward in the company due to factors such as race, gender or sexual orientation find that these attributes are no longer issues. When this happens, employees begin to feel valued and are more willing to step outside their comfort zones and enhance their skill sets for the benefit of the departmental team, the company as a whole and for the individual.

    Implementing a diversity management program successfully is not an overnight task. Often, the process of fostering a more accepting work environment takes time and dedication. But with patience, time, and structured efforts to educate employees, a diversity management policy and program will eventually make a huge difference in the communication among employees and the general productivity of the department.
