
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Influences on Learning and Development Strategy

Learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through
experience, practise, or study or being taught whilst development is improving the performance of individuals and groups in organisational settings by devising organisational activities that channel them to this goal. Therefore the strategy a business takes to introduce or manage learning and development of its staff in all levels of the organisational structure has to be determined by a range and combination of various factors.

The most important factor influencing the strategy is the budget. Companies with a high budget for the Human Resources Department [responsible for Learning and Development] can afford a wide range of effective measures to increase the skill levels of their employees. Because they are already established on the market and have a wide range of income streams, learning and development creates an opportunity to invest in labour to allow continuity, sustainability and reduced operational costs in the long term as employees' experience will kick in allowing creativity in ideas and decision making and improvisation in marketing, sales and the overall competitiveness.

Smaller firms do not have that luxury. Training employees costs a lot of money and the opportunity cost for such an investment is usually product development of venturing into a new market in order to stay ahead of or in sight of the competition. In the current economic climate, there is constant need for businesses to cut costs, and in the UK, labour contributes a large percentage of the business' operational costs because it is easy to be driven out of the market by the more efficient competitors. They thus have to find other cost effective training and development mechanisms. Delegation is one of the most efficient methods of developing the skills of an individual at work. The subordinate gets to understand how the business is operating at the current stage from the superior's point of view. This allows them to understand the tactical decisions made by the management and also makes them more aware of the tactical and strategic objectives of the business in the same way a superior would see them. This process of involvement increases motivation and also reduces the cost of replacing managers as the subordinates will have relatively adequate experience to manage a workplace they are familiar with

Delegation is also influenced by another related factor which is the type of job for which the learning and development strategy is to be implemented. Delegation works best at a workplace where the roles of employees are not too specialised. This means that a subordinate can be elevated to a superior role for a particular period without interrupting the flow of business because the tasks are not too inter-related. It also means that no costs are incurred as a result of closure of some operational units as is the case with other strategies like off the job training.

The leadership style is most likely going to impact the way in which employees respond to instructions, and the strategies put in place to increase or improve their skill levels. An authoritarian leader would favour a more hands on strategy which would allow them to monitor the progress of employees. Training Needs Analysis [TNA] is a strategy that allows management to identify the skills that employees lack and which require attention in order to reach the desired performance level. This is done through:
  • monitoring current performance using techniques such as observation, interviews and questionnaires.
  • Anticipating future shortfalls or problems
  • identifying the type and level of training required and analysing how this can best be provided
A more relativist leader like a like a democratic or laissez faire would prefer a more subtle way to monitor employees performances. This type of leadership is most common in marketing and other jobs where employees have to improvise in order to get their jobs done. A system that facilitates self-development is more favourable because it is liberating, allowing employees to be more proactive. It is more satisfying to employees of this nature because learning something on your own is more satisfying than having it taught to you by someone else.

Like with all business strategies, learning and development has to be embedded in the culture and organisational structure of the business. This means that the strategy the business decides to use should be easy to introduce into the business culture without drastically changing the culture and the organisational structure. This helps to maintain the stability of the business and the values upon which the business operations are based as stated in the mission statement. Embedding a new learning and development strategy into the culture of the business also puts a benchmark on which new recruits will be selected. This helps to save the training costs on new recruits because they will be chosen on the basis of them possessing the minimum skills requirements of those current employees who have just been trained. This makes human resource planning more efficient.

Legislation posses as a similar factor the Learning and Development strategy a company chooses. Considering the liberty employees have in this day and age, a business that invests in training staff means that they are running a risk of employees moving to a competitor with their skills. The opportunity cost is to mechanise. This often involves making some employees redundant which has negative implications on the companies' image and finances as they have to pay out compensation as required by law. If the competitors train their staff effectively, which is often shown by the iconic
[Investor in People] badge, they will be more attractive to career minded employees who are usually the most academically skilled and professionally experienced. Thus, training employees gives companies a competitive advantage in the labour market. Also, it is required by law to conduct health and safety training for all employees such as fire drills and organisation of production lines and offices.

The quality of the skills in the labour market also influences the strategy applied by firms to develop employees skills. It has often been argued that the reason for the gross unemployment in the UK is not due to the lack of jobs but rather the unreadiness of college graduates and students to work. This is because teachers are more focussed on making sure students pass their exams instead of making them ready for the working environment that follows. Learning and development thus has to start at the grass root level through government policy on the education system to promote work ethic in the youth and most importantly to encourage entrepreneurship. In the meantime the businesses have to settle for an apprenticeship scheme to make students ready for the work environment. These schemes are affordable for even small businesses and cater for students who are deterred off university by the rising tuition fees. It also indirectly increases the likelihood of these apprentices to be entrepreneurs.

Some of the details in this piece were found on the following websites and you can visit them to read the finer details:

Mudiwa Mari 

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Why is Learning and Development Fundamentally Important?

We have now understood what we can do and identified the needs for Learning and Development, however organisations do not just improvise and initiate these measures for no apparent reason. Development works as a wide spectrum of  functions per se, also there are certain demeanor attributes that evaluate to the whole need for learning under this umbrella term.

Therefore as organisations grow they become more and more intense in-terms of finding new ideas of survival or rather growth to self sustain and avoid a repetitive routine, which will in-turn lead to competition taking over your customers or business whatever business environment you are looking at it from. A fact based research therefore need to be put in place for such things and analyse them closely so that the organisation or business is always moving with the times and ahead of their game, at this stage Learning and Development comes in to rescue the properly structured or planned.

Organisations face problems everyday and some major one but mostly some little tiny ones that can build up over time. In such a case you always have to have steps to better or even counteract the potential damage or harm it was going to eventually cause, projections are a great way of dealing with things and estimates are there for a reason. Most businesses now hire Actuaries to make their risk assessments and they pay handsomely for these services because in most cases they assess and save the organisation a whole load of money and in some cases administration.

This can happen in 2 major ways which where well researched by the behavioral science  knowledge processes which proclaim that a "widely planned organisation managed from the top can increase effectiveness and health through planned interventions". This goes on to show that congruence plays a very important role in enhancing the the concept of development and let alone the learning process.Collaborating all the data and facts that the organisation has in its records syndicating a common goals based on new and creative organisational goal i.e remaining the best in what they do and the employer of first choice. The organisation being the investor in this case they have to make sure they are working and continue to work with the best at the highest levels of capacity and practicability. Pragmatic measures are normally a benchmark for most organisation and anything above those standards is classified as a bonus and maximizes profits which credits not only the stakeholders bank account but a reputable name and first choice service provider.

Have you ever wondered why most companies and organisations are going into schools and universities to look for potential talents?? There is a small price to pay in developing your own than hiring or employing a fully functional professional. Human assets are the most critical of things to retain and satisfy as far as work is related therefore Learning and Development is being made one of the incentives to entice employees to work for employee, such that when they get employed they will not be just sitting ducks but well equipped professionals who are always ahead of time.

Monday 4 June 2012

Identifying Learning and Development needs with H-HR-C

Learning and Development being a pivotal subject in the current economic changes that organisations and companies are facing on a daily basis, its necessary to research and invest more into understanding how the major assets(employees) are fairing within their given responsibilities. 

After identifying that there are learning and development needs for employees you need to plan and put strategies in place. Keeping a close relation with the fundamental policies of the company which reflect the contents of the mission statement and formal  importance of the memorandum of association. Assessments need to be conducted at all levels, in all teams, formally and informally to actually comprehend where the real change is needed, furthermore how to implement it. Therefore taking into account the budget and restructuring to better the individuals as far as the organisational demand for skills are concerned. Professional Analysts can be hired if the organisation can not afford or does not wish to incur an extra job slot salary, to ensure that the whole process does not become more cost effective or rather promote one of the administration staff from being an adviser to an analyst job title. Overly creating opportunities to employees while adjusting their salary a little bit saving you getting an extra individual to become a team player who is unfamiliar with the organisation let alone the employees. 

The skills of employees, their knowledge and general behavior these are the three main factors that need development towards their job description. Some employees tend to be better in other departments than the ones that they studied, therefore its up to the assessor to pinpoint these important facts and use them to the advantage of the organisation. Its more like reshuffling as long as the employee is well equipped and convinced/willing to make the changes necessary. Attributes will certainly be of greater importance when making these proposals in different frameworks which interest individuals or groups SWOT analysis (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) on their basic capability.

Every step of the strategy has to be in line with the legislation since you would not want to face any law suites or court action. Innovation has caused a lot of tweaks and  turns within most organisations which has led to too much new legislation which has to complied with especially in line with where(physical well being) healthy and safety comes into play. Strict measures have to structured in order for employees and their work environments safer and adapt to change easily. Decisions made collectively with everyone's involvement and feedback has proved to be working to greater strengths because its a work environment which is more  family oriented other than the direct manager and employees sort of environment. Employees/individuals away from home classify their workmates as closest family/friends that help them get on with a stress free life, therefore these informal networks are of great importance not to be taken lightly and need a deep research in understanding them in order to create a sustainable outcome.

Learning and Development its a critical process which involves building stronger relationships and change resistant teams that help with better production to an even better organisation or company. Therefore to continually ascertain that the changes within the work environment will not be affected by the day to day life of employees. Radically collected data need to be supported with regular training which will boost stakeholders, managers and employees morale and spirit towards their work. Learning and Development also assures them that since the organisation is moving forward the employees are going with it through understanding the new changes which will be put in place.  

Saturday 2 June 2012

Learning and Development with H-HR-C

Learning and Development is a broad concept which is now being explored by many individuals, organisations, institutions, charities mainly because of the positive results it has managed to yield in the past two decades. While a college/university education was/is a sure way of getting a great opportunity employment wise, most organisations have decided venture through other channels for example learning on the job i.e apprentices. By doing so they are guaranteed to have a bond for how long an employee can work for them at the same time reduce their costs on salaries/wages that they pay for their services and promote their social corporate responsibility within their given communities.

Learning on the job has many advantages because most people chose what they are passionate about and develop their skills at a very young age which then gives them that competitive urge to do better given an environment to grow their passion and investment at the same time. Professionals who went to universities and gathered useful information will then only be required at high levels of the decision making process where tactical information is needed and help develop the teams that are already in place to best suit the objectives of the organisation is aiming to reach.

Lately there have been risks in the job market for those with less qualifications which has put pressure on organisations/companies to develop the skill of their employees so that they remain competitive and marketable in case they are made redundant or seek greener pastures. Learning and Development has introduced more positive than negative this will be highlighted in or researched data which looks at big organisations such as the NHS and multinational companies like Vodafone/BP. Humba HR Consultants conducted a survey which indicated that most companies/organisations employee turnover has improved in the past two decades and has seen less cuts over the years of economic downturn in Europe. 

Retention of the best and development of those who are not quite there yet, has help with less accidents and  more positive results being achieved by the organisations therefore helping with the budgets that have been strained due to the economic hardships that has seen many reputable companies go into administration. Instead of hiring temporary staff or making staff redundant most of them have decided to resort to the avenue of in-house training or work related courses to help the struggling staff to regain confidence and be the best at what they do under less supervision.

One of the most important aspects of Learning and Development is to equip employees with the necessary information and capacity to adapt where there is need for change. Innovation has cause many manual job cuts by the introduction of computer operated machines which work 24/7 leaving less need for human input. Employees stress over these developments because of the fear of losing their jobs and being unable to pay their bills or look after their families, which brings us back to the apprentice based employees. These employees will have knowledge of one particular work environment and be masters at what they do but in situations where the company goes into administration, "what do they do??" . This is when the Learning and Development comes into play to discover what training they require and how to implement it in a different set-up/working environment.