
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Why is Learning and Development Fundamentally Important?

We have now understood what we can do and identified the needs for Learning and Development, however organisations do not just improvise and initiate these measures for no apparent reason. Development works as a wide spectrum of  functions per se, also there are certain demeanor attributes that evaluate to the whole need for learning under this umbrella term.

Therefore as organisations grow they become more and more intense in-terms of finding new ideas of survival or rather growth to self sustain and avoid a repetitive routine, which will in-turn lead to competition taking over your customers or business whatever business environment you are looking at it from. A fact based research therefore need to be put in place for such things and analyse them closely so that the organisation or business is always moving with the times and ahead of their game, at this stage Learning and Development comes in to rescue the properly structured or planned.

Organisations face problems everyday and some major one but mostly some little tiny ones that can build up over time. In such a case you always have to have steps to better or even counteract the potential damage or harm it was going to eventually cause, projections are a great way of dealing with things and estimates are there for a reason. Most businesses now hire Actuaries to make their risk assessments and they pay handsomely for these services because in most cases they assess and save the organisation a whole load of money and in some cases administration.

This can happen in 2 major ways which where well researched by the behavioral science  knowledge processes which proclaim that a "widely planned organisation managed from the top can increase effectiveness and health through planned interventions". This goes on to show that congruence plays a very important role in enhancing the the concept of development and let alone the learning process.Collaborating all the data and facts that the organisation has in its records syndicating a common goals based on new and creative organisational goal i.e remaining the best in what they do and the employer of first choice. The organisation being the investor in this case they have to make sure they are working and continue to work with the best at the highest levels of capacity and practicability. Pragmatic measures are normally a benchmark for most organisation and anything above those standards is classified as a bonus and maximizes profits which credits not only the stakeholders bank account but a reputable name and first choice service provider.

Have you ever wondered why most companies and organisations are going into schools and universities to look for potential talents?? There is a small price to pay in developing your own than hiring or employing a fully functional professional. Human assets are the most critical of things to retain and satisfy as far as work is related therefore Learning and Development is being made one of the incentives to entice employees to work for employee, such that when they get employed they will not be just sitting ducks but well equipped professionals who are always ahead of time.

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