
Monday 4 June 2012

Identifying Learning and Development needs with H-HR-C

Learning and Development being a pivotal subject in the current economic changes that organisations and companies are facing on a daily basis, its necessary to research and invest more into understanding how the major assets(employees) are fairing within their given responsibilities. 

After identifying that there are learning and development needs for employees you need to plan and put strategies in place. Keeping a close relation with the fundamental policies of the company which reflect the contents of the mission statement and formal  importance of the memorandum of association. Assessments need to be conducted at all levels, in all teams, formally and informally to actually comprehend where the real change is needed, furthermore how to implement it. Therefore taking into account the budget and restructuring to better the individuals as far as the organisational demand for skills are concerned. Professional Analysts can be hired if the organisation can not afford or does not wish to incur an extra job slot salary, to ensure that the whole process does not become more cost effective or rather promote one of the administration staff from being an adviser to an analyst job title. Overly creating opportunities to employees while adjusting their salary a little bit saving you getting an extra individual to become a team player who is unfamiliar with the organisation let alone the employees. 

The skills of employees, their knowledge and general behavior these are the three main factors that need development towards their job description. Some employees tend to be better in other departments than the ones that they studied, therefore its up to the assessor to pinpoint these important facts and use them to the advantage of the organisation. Its more like reshuffling as long as the employee is well equipped and convinced/willing to make the changes necessary. Attributes will certainly be of greater importance when making these proposals in different frameworks which interest individuals or groups SWOT analysis (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) on their basic capability.

Every step of the strategy has to be in line with the legislation since you would not want to face any law suites or court action. Innovation has caused a lot of tweaks and  turns within most organisations which has led to too much new legislation which has to complied with especially in line with where(physical well being) healthy and safety comes into play. Strict measures have to structured in order for employees and their work environments safer and adapt to change easily. Decisions made collectively with everyone's involvement and feedback has proved to be working to greater strengths because its a work environment which is more  family oriented other than the direct manager and employees sort of environment. Employees/individuals away from home classify their workmates as closest family/friends that help them get on with a stress free life, therefore these informal networks are of great importance not to be taken lightly and need a deep research in understanding them in order to create a sustainable outcome.

Learning and Development its a critical process which involves building stronger relationships and change resistant teams that help with better production to an even better organisation or company. Therefore to continually ascertain that the changes within the work environment will not be affected by the day to day life of employees. Radically collected data need to be supported with regular training which will boost stakeholders, managers and employees morale and spirit towards their work. Learning and Development also assures them that since the organisation is moving forward the employees are going with it through understanding the new changes which will be put in place.  

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