
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Preparing one, to best suit-the HR Department.

In today's economy, many people are looking to start a career in human resources. The human resources field is growing quickly, and offers opportunities to make a good salary. At Humba-HR-Consultants we urge people to invest in continuous personal education in order to get the best enjoy and stay on top of their jobs. The median income for individuals working in the human resources industry is significantly above those of other fields. Government experts expect the jobs prospects for human resources to be good in the future and for the field to grow as a whole despite outsourcing.

Many people looking to enter the human resources field ask what degree they should be pursuing. There are professionals working in human resources with several degrees ranging from business to public administration. There are even HR professionals without a college diploma, however its always commendable that they find a relevant path that can assist them to have some sort of solid education in order to escalate within the department if they chose to make HR their sole career.

Many positions in the human resource field require candidates to possess at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited educational institution CIPD – UK; SHRM – US; ABE - UK. Perhaps the degrees that prepare candidates for a career human resources best are bachelors or masters degree in human resources. Those who make the hiring decisions will prefer candidates with these degrees. This does not mean human resource professionals without a degree or without a human resources degree will not succeed. Ultimately, succeeding in human resources is about relationship skills, work ethic, and professionalism. But, in order to enter the door to a career in the HR field and have opportunities for advancement, a degree is a necessity. As the job market continues to tighten, a degree is even more valuable. A college diploma can separate a good candidate from a great one and a great one from one who is offered a position.

There are several education options available to those wanting to start a career in HR. They range from certificate programs to associate, bachelor, and masters degree programs. Some human resource professionals even have earned a doctorate degree. Most doctors of human resource management are professors or university employees though. As with most professions, the higher you’re level of education, the better your job prospects. Salaries tend to increase along with level of education.

Degrees in HR are offered at hundreds of campuses across the World. Student can earn human resource management degrees at both traditional or non-traditional colleges and universities. Many programs are offered online by for profit institutions. These schools cater to working professionals with careers and families. The University of Phoenix- US, Kapella University- US, Kaplan University-US, and the Keller School of Management-US, Coventry University-UK, Birmingham City University-UK, De Montfort University – UK, East Anglia University - UK are some of the more well known schools that offer HR degrees.

The cost of an HR degree varies widely, depending on geographic location of the educational institution, whether or not it is a public or private institution, and if it is non-profit or for profit. Some graduates with an HR degree graduate with no debt. Others graduate with substantial financial obligations or more in form of student loans. This makes it vitally important than people do an ample amount of research before deciding on which college to attend.

HR degree programs focus on benefits management, employee retention and satisfaction, and other employment related issues. Many offer opportunities for internships and help graduates find a job upon graduation. Classes of many for profit programs are taught by human resources professionals already working in the HR field who impart real world knowledge and examples to students. Many such instructors possess only a master’s degree. However its a personal choice to develop yourself and stand out even to reach a doctorate level of education.

          "Change is good especially for the better, for it is the only thing that is guaranteed!"

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