
Tuesday 16 July 2013

What "(HR)-Human Resources", truly mean and reflect!

Often you are asked to explain what HR means and what their function is within an organisation; and when you try and explain what you do for a living, - you even have to go to the extent of explaining that it’s back-bone of the organisation but still some do not understand this concept mainly because it was once referred to as Personnel back in the day.
 As the world has evolved the organisation has grouped most aspects of personnel; recruitment; selection; training; development; retaining; discipline and dismissal of employees under the Human Resources Department. These responsibilities have now been solely accounted to the HR department amongst other sensitive and more analytical responsibilities that are part of the organisation at large.

Many successful businesses find that they thrive when all of the parts are working together towards the same goal as researched by Humba-HR-Consultants. A problem often arises when several people are put together simply because people often have differing opinions. When a bunch of people are put together to work on a project, oftentimes infighting can be the result. Human resources department is often the place to go when things like this happen.
The human resources department of a business can help with sexual harassment, worker relations and has generally improved over the course of the past ten years. 

Many human resources departments of businesses are often in business for the sole reason of solving problems related to worker relations. One of the problems that are often presented in many workplaces is the issue of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is when one employee makes sexual advances toward another employee that are often unwanted and unwarranted. Human resources fix this problem by taking the employee that is performing the harassment and enrolling them in courses to manage the behaviour. This is a most effective way to deal with employees who feel that they must make lewd or unwanted advances toward other employees.

Human resources departments aim to increase good behaviour between employees. Often, when working in a fast-paced or high stress environment, people feel the need to attack one and other especially if they view each other as not contributing a sufficient amount. Human resources can solve this problem simply by putting both of the parties in counselling and making them realise that they can work together peacefully and towards a common goal. 

Often anger or stress management is required in these situations to help the parties deal with their emotions Human resources departments have evolved over the past ten years in that there have been many new methods introduced to deal with inter-office relations. Counselling has become a very viable method that is used to calm and correct the behaviour of those who are not performing up to expectations or are exhibiting bad behaviour. Other methods involve using psychological methods which have demonstrated to be extremely useful in a number of occasions and which companies have found to be useful in business situations. Human resource departments have further demonstrated themselves to be a very vital and necessary part of businesses.

Many businesses have found that a company works well when all of the parts are striving towards the same goal. The problem that often arises from this line of thinking is when the employees themselves start experiencing problems due to exhaustion, stress, or anger. This can lead to great amounts of distress in the workplace. This is when human resource departments come in handy. 

For situations where people are fighting amongst themselves or a person has a grievance against their co-workers, human resource departments feature a variety of tools to help the process of coping or solving the problem along. The human resource department of a business can help with the different aspects of the workplace ethics, like sexual harassment, inter-employee office relations and has progressed a great deal in the past ten years. So if you or someone you know is having problems in the workplace, no matter if they are related to stress, sexual harassment, or anger, turning to your human resources department or if you are a company executive, hiring a human resources department may be your ticket to creating a healthier and happier workforce and becoming a happier person yourself.


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