
Thursday 18 July 2013

Issues affecting the HR Managers.

As the world embraces itself the after effects of the European recessionary period, at Humba-HR-Consultants we took an intensive research to on how the approach employee job securities and safety at large - in order to concentrate on the more pressing issues of achieving the organisational goals. There are many significant human resources issues facing both employers and employees today. With the development of both small and larger-scale businesses, the need for human resource management – and the foresight and ability to avoid the problems that accompany it – is growing. What are the main issues faced by employers and employees, and how can these be successfully nullified?

A leap of faith.

Human resources (HR) issues commonly experienced by employers include establishing productivity, recruiting employees, arranging and carrying out training, and preventing discrimination. Workers in personnel management also face challenges such as resolving conflicts and keeping workers safe. Establishing and distributing benefits, encouraging and maintaining diversity, and handling outsourcing are major concerns as well. How each business deals with its specific human resources issues depends on the HR manager or director as well as company policy. No matter what approach a business takes, addressing these issues usually is an ongoing process.


A primary goal of a human resource department is to manage and organize employees so that they can be as productive as possible, as this generally leads to more revenue. HR personnel, therefore, think very critically about the number of people per shift, team assignments, motivational offers like bonuses, and keeping morale high. These factors can have strong correlations, so the difficulty is how to make changes in one area without overly affecting another. It can be challenging to make modifications and “correct” arrangements that don’t strain the company’s budget.

Recruitment and Outsourcing

The best way to effectively manage a workforce is arguably to know how best to recruit that workforce – after all, it’s far easier to work with a group of people that you are already familiar with through the recruitment process. Perfecting the different facets of this process, from attending careers events and writing effective and accurate job advertisements right through to knowing the best way to conduct an interview, are key-methods to minimising the problems any HR executive may face in the future.

Personnel management workers have always been responsible for at least some aspects of employee recruitment. They have to find methods, such as attending job fairs and sending out promotional mailings, to generate interest in particular positions and the company as a whole. Many companies face an even bigger problem in this area, however, because globalization means that companies are competing with each other around the entire world rather than just one small area or country. Modern employees also are looking for jobs that provide more of a balance between employment and family. Companies sometimes need to offer more in terms of benefit packages or incentives, as well, because people increasingly look for jobs that reduce their risks in unstable economic situations.

Outsourcing refers to companies giving work to independent contractors outside the company rather than to in-house employees. Independent contractors are freelance workers who pay their own taxes and insurance. Outsourcing is one of the most common human resources issues, as many businesses are hiring freelancers rather than creating more overhead costs by taking on additional in-house employees. Overhead costs include equipment and workspace as well as benefits such as medical insurance.

Recruitment has become a marketing exercise in recent years. Knowing how to properly generate interest in a company or a specific job placement is paramount to recruiting the right candidates. Worthwhile employees are increasingly seeking jobs that address their need for a better work-home-family balance, and good HR departments are becoming more aware of this. Companies also need to consider the prospect of job security for employees, as they are often more concerned with stability, health benefits and their employment in unstable economic conditions than ever before.

Outsourcing is also a major part of human resource management’s role in a company, as many companies – particularly in an economic downturn – choose to hire freelance workers to complete additional tasks rather than taking on salaried employees in-house. When outsourcing, human resource managers do not need to consider overheads like taxes, working equipment costs or benefits, as these are met by the freelancers themselves.

Rights, Discrimination and Conflict Resolution

Many countries are now governed by strict laws that make rights abuses and discrimination in the workplace severely punishable. As it is illegal in these countries to discriminate based on age, gender, religion and race, HR managers need to be aware of this and their methods need to reflect this. Most companies see diversity as forward-thinking and teamwork-promoting, as well as fostering a sense of equality. As well as following recruitment protocols that take diversity – and its legal implications - into account, human resource management departments may need to prepare for higher levels of disagreements and more distinct methods of resolution.

Companies often value diversity because it provides different modes of thought and experiences that can generate new ideas and better productivity. It also fosters a sense of equality that is well-suited to teamwork. Businesses look to their HR departments to build diversity into the workplace, as those in personnel management generally are responsible for company recruitment, hiring, promotion, and termination. Many places have laws that make various forms of discrimination in the workplace illegal, so human resources workers have to recruit and train in a way that follows both legal and business standards. Since more employees are aware of their rights, a modern HR department may also need to handle a potential increase in complaints about discrimination.

Conflict resolution is a major part of a HR manager’s job in that it is always easier and cheaper to keep an existing employee than to recruit and train a new one. As such, the conflicts that arise from different departments, workers and employment levels need to be resolved effectively. These can range from property theft and destruction and physical and verbal harassment to management incompetence and payroll management issues.

Even though members of personnel management departments work hard to find employees who are a good fit for the company’s culture, the wide range of personalities, experiences, and skill sets found in the workforce mean that some conflicts are bound to happen. Investigating complaints of verbal or physical harassment is common, but other conflicts, such as those involving broken promises from managers, stolen property, and other problems, also occur. This is one of the biggest human resources issues for companies because it is almost always cheaper to retain an employee than to find and train a new one. If HR does not resolve conflicts when they are present, resignations or firings can result, which ultimately costs the company money.

Training and Safety

For almost every business, training is a major part of day-to-day operations, as every business is different and therefore has different practices to follow. Training is also an investment process – new, potentially brilliant candidates all need to start somewhere, and investing in talent through both basic training and preparing senior executives for the next step up can pay off when done right by organised and skilled HR managers. It is HR’s responsibility to fit the training around day-to-day work, factoring in time, financial costs and third-party coordination for each company department and budget.
Training is needed in virtually every business and industry because every company has its own policies and procedures employees must follow. It is HR’s responsibility to figure out how to conduct the training so that operations are not interrupted or strained. The department also determines how training sessions and seminars factor into the company calendar and budget. Coordinating with third parties involved in the training is also necessary, in some instances.

Safety is also a major part of training organisation, as many businesses follow practices that minimise risk and promote safety, whether they are using specialist, potentially dangerous equipment or not. Even incorrectly-positioned chairs or too bright LED computer monitors can cause extensive health issues, so everything right down to these small issues need to be considered when organising staff and departments.
Workers often use equipment that, if not properly used, can result in accidents or health problems. Even something like a desk that is not ergonomically positioned can be a potential injury source. The HR department has to take this into account when it organizes workers. It also investigates allegations of unsafe equipment or managerial direction.

These are only some of the major issues faced by human resource departments today – there are many more, much smaller problems that can slip under the radar. Rather than investing in more employees or working longer hours to keep up with every single eventuality, it might be more worthwhile for the company’s bank balance and the HR manager’s work-life balance to invest in some new HR software instead – so the management can keep their eye on the bigger issues.

Virtually all companies offer some benefits to employees, either to appear competitive or to comply with local, regional, or national regulations. HR directors work with the heads of companies to create benefit policies and packages. Common employee benefits include health insurance, life insurance, a dental plan, and employee product discounts. When employees are terminated, their benefits usually are too, so HR must keep records of the exact hiring and termination dates of each employee.

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