
Thursday 22 August 2013

Building Capability of the HR Function.

To increase the skills, knowledge and competencies of SME's in areas relating to HR, the organisations will also organise HR capability building programmes under the SME Schemes that are functional and effective to the extents that are pragmatic. SME employers that are registered are encouraged to send their workers for the HR Up skilling, Certification and Functional Programmes as listed in the Training Calendar. In the UK – ABE and CIPD are the most effective Human Resources study programmes that have proved to yield some sort of results with more input from the employees’ of course.


The following are some of the most important underlined conceptual aspects that should be considered when implementing these measures;


• Define the purpose and key deliverables of your HR function in the context of the strategic priorities of your organisation.


• Create aspirational and credible HR capability profiles that are fully aligned to your strategic priorities, and which are benchmarked against what the market has told us great HR looks like.


• Using online technology, benchmark and assess the capability of individuals in your HR function against these capability profiles.


• Identify the capability gaps and strengths of the function, teams and individuals, highlighting what’s needed to shift the capability of your team.


• Create a complete picture of everything you need to know to embark on a change or development journey for your HR function. And work with you to build a high impact but sustainable solution to transform the capability of your HR function.


In most cases people have views that different but in such cases people will have to agree to disagree and understand that some policies are going to be more effective than others. This can only be achieved through discussions and mutual understanding of the teams that strategize/structure the finalised decisions. At Humba HR Consultants we believe everyone should be assisted to reach their maximum potential and this can only be realised through training incentives and of course bonuses for those who do achieve something.
Transformation of the fundamentals is of great importance because you get to create new and interesting avenues to best suit the changing work environment. The main reason for this to match the youth and innovations which are currently being developed e.g. computer based software that have proved accurate and in some instances threatening some organisational roles which were previously occupied by human beings.

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