
Monday 30 April 2012

My Diversity Conclusions.

After my comprehensive independent research was conducted through many channels that have been discovered e.g. questionnaires, interviews, surveys and social networking has yield that we as a people need to come to a consensus and realise - what impact diversity has on everyone. Especially on how it will affect your next of kin/family and work load; employees enjoy working hard in a stress free environment. Hence everyone has a part to play in order to enlighten the outcome of  the effectiveness of this topic. Everyone has to effectively contribute positive remarks and be pragmatic in implementing them.

This is the only video that can best explain/exhibit our respectable conclusion on how to understand, approach and tackle diversity. We can share views on how you view diversity because all these are my personal views principled with a vast number of factual examples through real life experiences. This is a discussion that we intend to expand and share views that can assist everyone who is interested in Human Resources or working with people with a positive mind.

Diversity Hindrances.

Individuals are very unique and practically have different views and virtues. Everyone has their own opinion and there are right opinions and wrong one too, that is where employment or labor laws come into play. Just because someone believes in something does not make it right. Therefore in such cases we have legislation and the laws that we should all be governed by such that the vulnerable are protected in case of unfairness issues rising within any environment either be at work or in the community.

Undermining the importance of diversity is a critical issue which needs to be raised and addressed with utmost attention and rated a level 5 clearance as much as the hierarchy of organisational goals is concerned. in a case where the business objectives are at level 7. Here is a video with an example of the challenges understanding diversity  and dealing with it.

In this case we grasp a few concepts on how to approach the whole concept. However all these views continue to be raised because most people are failing to adapt to these working environments and understand them because to them these are uncharted waters. Which goes on to raise that fact that change is a good thing when its being talked about but very difficult to manage and adapt/implement in reality.

Here are some of the biggest organisations which are still trying to handle the topic and raise awareness for the breaches that have been continua-sly  expressed not only by the disabled/all ethnic minorities but everyone who has been unfairly dismissed/treated at work because of a certain misunderstanding. Watch, research and read to find out what are the best ways to venture and approach diversity...

Presentations On Diversity.

Diversity in the community is a vital aspect of the community especially with  children growing up; because it has much influence on their life as they develop to be adults in them and prospect to work for these organisations. Hence when dealing with diversity it is important to understand the community environment and background; that our employees were brought up and try to work around a similar understanding by engaging everyone's views collectively.

As much as we are trying to understand and initiate the concept of diversity many organisations are embracing the facts surrounding other communities to make it easier to work with individuals of different understandings. Skills for share has logged an appeal to make people understand the fundamentals that need to be understood before any measures are put in place. Cohesion being part of the social corporate responsibility that large organisations should and some have already put in place, helps to promote the engagement of the employees of ethnic minorities and the disabled(enriching the feedback culture of communicating). Introducing these measures builds morale so that we have a better understanding and put in-place useful strategies/policies that can actually assist the cause of effective diverse in businesses which enhances the networks with the desire to achieve common goals which promote the culture of uniformity.

Developed countries have the resources to research the whole concept of diversity while on the other hand developing countries are embracing the thought and implementing the equality measures according to competence with integrity. However the situations are changing with the network channels that are being constructed for public access and disposal. 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Evaluation and Performance Measurement of Diversity

After understanding the concept of diversity and the complex external factors it normally associates you with in order to reach a favourable evaluation process. Evaluation processes normally come in after a lengthy while of the initial training in this particular case. Performance Measurement also plays an important role in the way the employees grasp the diversity concept in any given work environment. Although we might not have visited the PESTEL analysis its vital that we look at it in depth because it has great influence in concluding the outcome of the whole Diversity chapter and engages employees through a clearer understanding of what they are working towards.

Political views of the employees and policies that have been put in place by the governments has a major impact on how diversity is received in most organisations. Employee engagement is of importance hence the government and unions have a mutual role in settling their best tactical levels of strategics. Which will help settle and mobilise  production with minimal risks of strikes and equal entities for all will have to be prioritized. Generally political factors affect the progression of performance and the whole evaluation process but if ts nurtured properly then everything will fall in place.

Economical factors do strain/stress employees, a great example was the credit crunch of 2008 that affected the United States of America and caused a not of turmoil in the whole of Europe afterwards correcting the phrase that states "if the USA has a cold the whole of Europe will have pneumonia". The governments have to avoid such situations because when these situations threatens rest and the equal opportunities policy is directly linked efficiency of productivity in any work environment hence affecting the most vulnerable ones to be made redundant i.e in most cases the elderly being asked to retire early-this according to a research I did in 2009. Therefore the behavior of organisations tend to be a bit shaken because of economic factors  which impacts diversity strongly causing a great weakness to morale and flexibility causing a distraught  sort of evaluation with a weak assessment of performance measurement.

Social factors are critically affected in any work environment due to stressed employees. However you can make situations calm and reluctant with the necessary steps in order to help any strenuous circumstances by keep performance/motivation high.

Environmental factors are considered an extreme stumbling block because if the weather is not favorable employees are not able to commute creating a shortage in staff and various colds that are associated with cold weather e.g pneumonia; H1N1. If absenteeism is high then it directly impacts production leading to the objectives of the organisation highly unlikely to be met which affects the stakeholders as much as the employees. All these factors come down to diversity and also the working together ethics will be breached hence it is of vital importance to monitor that performance is not affected.

Legal factors are becoming the first option for most people who feel that the unions are not doing their best in their situations. The employment tribunal has had a vast number of cases in the past 4 years this decade since 2008 mostly because of what employees feel are unfair dismissals. Which unions didn't know how to deal with or tried but could not conduct any amicable discussions which landed them in the employment tribunal. Diversity being in the mix it highlights what employees expect in the tribunal cases as an act of rebelling against the stakeholders decisions. In these cases the evaluation process is complex which leads to inconclusive results  as far as performance measurement is concerned and a bit of the downside.

Therefore this goes on to show that there are many aspects which need to be thoroughly considered before the diversity-research-structure can be termed a success. Diversity will affect any organisation as much as the next, making this chapter a very important aspect as far as fundamentals are concerned. 

Sunday 15 April 2012

Assessing and Implementing Diversity Disciplines

Large organisations have a tendency of researching these complex issues thoroughly, and in depth just in case the unthinkable happens and would avoid being answerable at any level. Diversity and its complexity covers ground on numerous cases at work and unions are dealing with tribunal cases that involves issues around diversity on a daily basis or close. My researches have revealed that most cases are settled out of court because of negligence on the employers side and hence normally they realise the importance of diversity after being penalised and self actuality as far as this headline is concerned.

Below is a guide for Federal Agencies in the United States on how to keep a highly diverse  quality workforce. Read on :


Current economic and political changes are making it impossible for business to work with a relaxed mind. Therefore instead of approaching the recession aftermath with integrity most of them have invested in research and making staff redundant in order to meet the business needs.  Therefore since diversity is one of the topics less understood, make sure you understand the needs that engages staff so that you make the managing process of your business constrains effectively.

New reforms have to be put in place so that they shape up the new policies that go with the strategies with minimum input from the unions, but employer and the employees. Therefore after  implementing pragmatic steps which engage the two sides ensure that the diversity strategy is fit for purpose and creates robust tactical moves which increase business values.


Thursday 12 April 2012

Assistance with Diversity

In order for you to have an effective and competitive outreach strategic plan that can assist with diversity you have to come up with various reasons why its there in the first place. Other major issues to note are reasons why it is being duly promoted within this area of our work place, in short the negative side of it.

Attached is a research which was drafted and presented by PRISM international which might  help us to reflect and ponder on ways we can best approach diversity hindrances in stages. So that we can equip ourselves with the knowledge and much needed training whilst engaging the whole workforce.


Researches are a vital aspect of any topic which might seem difficult to understand but not everyone is willing to learn and research in order to  understand, most people have a nostalgic idea that things should and always remain the same. However its the one with the urge to understand that aspire and inspire the most, have you ever imagined if Steve Jobs had given up his innovation ideas and stayed away from Macintosh?? We might not have all these apple gadgets that are being copied or developed by other mobile companies, therefore at times all you need is a first step for you to get to the other side.

Morale is essential at this stage and also make sure that all employees are involved somehow this can give the insight on what they are working on and more reflection on the tasks that are practised in the process of this development.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

About Us

Founded in 2010, Humba HR Consultants is a specialist HR and management consultancy in both the private and public sectors with wide experience of providing human resource and organisation development solutions across the UK and abroad.  We provide these services through a combination of, real life experiences, cutting edge ideas, practical solutions and procedures, which are presented in a clear and comprehensive manner.

Our professional HR consultants are experienced in developing enduring client relationships and ensuring total quality control. With well enriched HR staff whose backgrounds span the private, public and voluntary sectors, our commitment enable us to form close working relationships, whilst retaining the capacity and expertise within the team to meet a diverse range of challenges.

We pride ourselves on providing prestige and quality solutions to the exact requirements of our clients. Our services are therefore specifically designed and tailored to the needs of each individual organisation and situation.
Our staff assesses their performance and achievements against the maxim of Speed-Quality-Expertise, an underpinning feature of both our organisational culture and our client relationships.

 With a network of professionals across the different business backgrounds, we are strategically located to provide support for all our customers.



Saturday 7 April 2012

Diversity Management

Tactics on how to handle diversity are not straight forward because cases vary from place to place and case to case. Legislation amendments have been introduced where necessary after realistic and practical approaches which where initially drafted and enforced failed to solve issues pending on diversity and equality in the Employment Law Act of 2006.

Many Human Resources schools of thought have measures of research this certain aspect and elements have only scratched the surface. My own research has proved that we are opening a realm(land of make believe) where by we are learning as we go as any other sectors we are not quite familiar with, but we try and engage the things we know and the ones which are alien to us diligently with confidence. Here are some of the examples of how to handle diversity management from the CIPD (Chartered Institute Of Personnel Development) ;


Researches have a downside of reflecting what people normally want to here especially if the individuals who where conducted have a biased opinion or are influenced to answer in a certain way that can make the whole research a total disaster. The assessor however has to protrude these facts where necessary and acknowledge the areas which are not being well researched. However the decision of what goes on paper depends on whether the researcher has any objectives or is truly seeking the truth hence as time passes by people are more open and critically analyse situations and are working together to get to the right answers to any questions regardless of whether or not they get positive or negative reactions/answers. This has also seen the promotion of cohesion within communities and here is another example from a four year old research conducted by CIPD in collaboration with Gen Up;


These are my own opinions and the decision is ultimately yours to make but the facts are there which can also guide you to attain a better understanding of the whole Diversity  Management concept.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Broadcast Diversity Issues.

Diversity has become one of the titles associated with our daily  pros/cons in  most work environments, therefore the government has put some resources in legislation to try and handle this situation before it gets out of hand. In the UK the equality and diversity act was drafted then put in place in 2006  and largely amended in 2010 and there's the link to the current legislation:


The 2012 legislation which was drafted and presented in parliament in February 2012 will be enforced starting the 6th of April 2012 is as follows:


Tuesday 3 April 2012

Humba-HR-Consultants: Diversity

Humba-HR-Consultants: Diversity: Diversity means quality of being different or varied. When one looks at the meaning it seems too easy to understand but there is more to the...

Diversity in a Work Environment:

Life experiences have highlighted that people have a tendency of focusing more on the negatives rather than the positives of a well diverse culture of work ethics. My research has proved that there are numerous reasons why a diverse work environment is highly unfavorable than one which is not, its mainly because of fear of adjustment/change/ fear of the unknown.  Most people want to work in their comfort zone and treat work as their home away from home. Hence employees want to feel comfortable and understood so that they can concentrate on the objectives of the organisation on a positive note. 

We find ourselves asking, "why should I work in these conditions?". There are a lot of answers to any question but there are right and wrong answers either way. Growing up, I have always been advised that two heads are better than one, let alone if the other head is from a different background or culture it makes everything even more interesting because you understand things differently and will always see things in different perspectives which will give you a competitive urge to be the best at what you do after working collectively or with the idea which suits your situation.

Diversity comes with a lot of misunderstandings, hence training days are essential if there is even a slight need for it. People also need to approach it with pragmatic strategies that enhance the objective of the business or company so that whatever differences individuals have the goals of the organisation are executed positively.

Monday 2 April 2012


Diversity means quality of being different or varied. When one looks at the meaning it seems too easy to understand but there is more to the word other than the meaning. In the Human Resources sector diversity is still one of the most challenging aspects to deal with because employees and employers understanding of the word is overshadowed and undermined to a greater extend.

Therefore I have decided to take this opportunity to make it my first and initial highlight for individuals and organisations to have a clearer understanding of the word and what it means so that it easier to communicate it and implement it too.

  • Cultural diversity, the respect of difference cultures and inter-culturally.
  • Diversity business, the business tactic which encourages diversity to better serve a heterogeneous customer base.
  • Diversity politics, the political and social policy of encouraging tolerance for people of different backgrounds.
  • Diversification (finance) involves spreading investments.
  • Diversification (market strategy) is a corporate strategy to decrease market penetration.

Therefore diversity ranges on a span of things but since we are focusing on Human Resources we will take it back to how employees and the employer interact and use a diverse work ethics to make any working environment boost morale other than a stumbling block.